Red AkeAke
Dodonaea Viscosa 'Purple'
A hardy coastal shrub or small tree. While not a true native, these are often grown in riparian strips for colour and texture. In certain conditions it will grow up to 4m high. It is drought tolerant and will handle light frosts. Makes an incredible hedge if kept trimmed. Needs full sun.
1.3L Pot $7 each
PB 12 Bag $20 each
Bulk buy discount available

Teucrium Fruticans
Fast-growing, spreading, droughttolerant grey shrub. Attractive hedge with pale-blue bee-attracting flowers. Looks great as a trimmed shrub, low shelter or topiary. Good on coastal sites. Needs trimming regularly. Evergreen. Hardy
1.3L Pots $7 each
Bulk buy discount available

Cape Thatching Reed
Elegia Tectorum
A fast growing, native South African Reed, to around 80cm tall. Slender green foliage with flower heads in autumn.
Available in 1.3L Pots $10 each

White Sisyrinchium
Macounii Albam
Pretty white flowers with yellow eye are produced spring through to late summer on grass like foliage.
Full sun/part shade.
15cm height
1.3-1.5 L Pot. $6 each

Devon Skies
Sisyrinchium Angustifolium
A compact, clump like growing perennial with dark green foliage. Flowers are star-shaped, blue, with yellow centres. Best planted in well drained soils.
1.3-1.5 L Pot $5 each

Black Stem Taro
Colocasia Black Stem
Very large heart shaped leaves that are a shiny purple black with a smokey cast and prominent veining on multiple stalks. Evergreen and easy to grow.
Frost tender.
PB5 - PB12. $15 each

Tractor Seats
Ligularia Reniformis
Lush, giant leaves shaped like a tractor seat. A hugely popular perennial loved for its impressive size and glossy leaves. A lover of frequent moisture.
1.3 L Pot $10 each

Blue Rockets
Aristea Major
Clump forming perennials with tall, sword-like foliage. Produces tall flower stems with clusters of brilliant blue flowers.
​SOLD OUT 2025
These are currently approx. 40 cm high, and not yet flowering
1.3L Pot
$10 each

Rubber Plant
Rubber Plant is a large tree with wide oval, glossy leaves. An ornamental species, often grown as a houseplant.
5L Pot
$20-$30 each