LMU code. Each of our NZ native species will have LMU specified in the description. These are the recommended areas to plant each species in.
L = Lower Ringplain : Within approximately 3km of the coast, plants can tolerate salt winds, but some are also susceptible to frost.
M = Mid Ringplain: Moderate frost and wind tolerance. From 3km of coast to 200metres above sea level.
U = Upper Ringplain: High frost tolerance, between 200 and 400 metres above sea level.
Leptospermum Scoparium
Mānuka is a prolific shrub-type tree. Typically growing to 2-5m tall, occasionally however up to 15m. It is evergreen, with dense branching and small leaves.
1.3L Pot $7 each
Bulk buy discount available
Ake Ake
Dodonaea Viscosa
A hardy coastal shrub or small tree. In certain conditions it will grow up to 10m high. It is drought tolerant and will handle light frosts. Needs full sun.
1.3L Pot $7 each
Bulk buy discount available
Pittosporum Tenuifolium
Kōhūhū is a bush or small tree that grows up to around 8-10 metres tall. Relatively fast growing, suitable for riparian, hedges, and stand alone trees.
These are available in 1.3L Pots. $7 each
Bulk buy discount available
Pittosporum Crassifolium
Commonly known as Karo, this is a small tree or shrub. Quick growing, and is frequently used as a hedge or windbreak. Karo grow up to 8m.
Available in
1.3L Pots $7 each
Corynocarpus Laevigatus
Karaka is an evergreen, leafy canopy tree. It grows up to 15m, with thick leathery, gloss leaves.
Karaka can be trimmed to form hedges.
Available in PB3 Bags
$7 each
PB5 Bags $15 each
Bulk buy discount available
Vitex Lucens
The Pūriri tree can grow up to 20m tall. Dark green glossy leaves (more lime green when young), with large colourful flowers, ranging from pink to dark red, and provide copious amounts of nectar for native birds.
Available in PB3 Bag
$13 each
Larger sizes available from $24
Hebe Stricta
Flowering hardy native, growing to approximately 2-3 metres.
Likes full sun, or only partial shade, but also tolerates wet areas.
Available in 1.3L Pots
$7 each and PB5 $10 each
Bulk buy discount available
Green Mountain Flax
Phormium Cookianum
A medium sized native evergreen, clumping flax, growing to around 1.5 m.
Available in1.3 L Pot $7 each
Bulk buy discount available
Phormium Tenax
Phormium Tenax is an evergreen perennial plants, growing up to 2m, with much taller flowering shoots.
Available in
1.3L Pots / PB3 Bags $7
Bulk buy discount available
Ti Kōuka
Cordyline Australis
Commonly known as the cabbage tree, can grow up to 20m tall.
Ti Kōuka grow all over NZ, from the coast, up to 1000 metres above sea level, in anything from wet swampy ground, to dry windy hill slopes. Ti Kōuka prefer full sunlight.
Available in 1.3L Pot $6 each
Bulk buy discount available
Coprosma Robusta
Karamu is a flowering plant which can survive in many climates, commonly found in coastal areas & lowland forests. Karamu can grow to be around 6 metres tall.
Available in 1.3 L Pots
$7 each
Bulk buy discount available
Pittosporum Eugenioides
Commonly known as Lemonwood, this evergreen tree can grow up to 12m tall and 5 m broad.
Available in 1.3L Pot $7 each
Bulk buy discount available
Podocarpus Totara
Stiff, prickly to touch leaves, growing up to 30m tall. Young tōtara bare branches and leaves right to ground level, making an excellent dense hedge.
PB3 $8 each
PB18 $26 each
Bulk buy discount available
NB. Seed for Tōtara is sourced from outside Taranaki
Sophora Tetraptera
Kōwhai are small woody legume trees, and is one of the most beautiful flowering trees in NZ. Tui and Kereru love them, but these do attract all manner of birds and bees when flowering.
Maximum 10m high x 3m wide
Available in PB5 Bags $15-45 each
Bulk buy discount available
NZ Blueberry
Dianella Nigra
Loose tussock forming evergreen herb, flax-like. Prefers moist shade, however surprisingly tolerant of both dry and sun. Approx 50cm x 50cm.
Available in PB5 Bags. $10 each
Arthropodium Cirratum
Commonly used in home gardens, and mass plantings, rengarenga or rock lily have gorgeous white starry flowers, and are low maintenance plant for semi shade.
Available in 1.5 L Pots
$5 each.
Hen & Chicken Fern
Asplenium Bulbiferum
One of the best known NZ native ground ferns. Requires a shady, sheltered position in a moist, rich soil. Try planting underneath other natives or in tropical styled garden. Frequently also grown indoors.
Available in
PB5 $15 each
Bulk buy discount available
Griselinia Littoralis
Griselinia Littoralis, commonly known as Kapuka is a fast-growing small to medium sized evergreen tree. A popular hedging shrub with large, glossy leathery green leaves. Grows up to 10m.
Available in 1.3L Pots
$7 each - COMING 2025
PB5 Bags $10 each - READY
Melicope Ternata
Commonly known as Wharangi, is a coastal tree or shrub with glossy bright green foliage and can grow to 8m tall.
1.3L Pot $7 each
Bulk buy discount available
Carex Geminata
A robust native grass, wide spreading in wetland areas. Suitable for stabilising stream banks and restoration work. Evergreen. Hardy.
1m x 1m
1.3L Pot $7 each
Plagianthus Regius
Tall growing (approx 10m) column style tree. Extremely fast growing, and useful for quickly establishing shelter. Withstands strong winds.
1.5L $8 each
Bulk buy discount available
Mixed Corokia
Corokia Pack
This is a mixed pack of corokia varieties. These grow to approximately 3m, and make incredible mixed variety dense hedges, popular for coastal and urban areas.
NB. These have been grown from seed, and variances have occurred in the plants. Suitable for a mixed hedge or riparian plantings.
Bulk buy only x 20 plants
1.3L Pots
Oi Oi
Apodasmia similis
This NZ native reed is a great choice for wet or dry problem areas. Also known as jointed rush as the delicate grey-green leaves have brown markings or joints at various points along the leaf length. It grows in full sun and prefers damp, swampy areas and can grow in water also. It will also tolerate dry areas once established and is also suitable to growing in containers. It can cover large areas as it spreads by runners.
PB12-18 $20 each
Small cell trays available.
Please ask
Meryta Sinclairii
The puka or pukanui, is a large-leaved evergreen tree endemic to NZ. Growing to about 8m tall, with a distinct tropical appearance.
PB5. From $20 each
Coprosma Repens
Flowering shrub or small tree, native to New Zealand. Common name - mirror plant/bush.
1.3 L Pot. $7.50 each
Carex Virgata
Swamp Sedge
A vigorous bright green sedge, used for wetland planting, but will also grow on dry sites.
1m h x 50cm
1.3L Pot $7 each
Carex Testacea
NZ Hair Sedge
Graceful and hardy NZ native grass. An olive green, to orange-yellow foliage, turning bright orange in autumn. Full sun to part shade.
1.3L Pot $7.50 each
Toe Toe
Austroderia Toe Toe
Fast growing,
2.5m x 2.5m Toe Toe.
Grows in a wide range of sites, but best in wet soils.
Attractive creamy flower plumes in December
Available in 25 cell trays
$100 per tray
Five Finger
Pseudopanax Laetus
Small multi branched tree to 5m. Flowering August to November, attracting birds. They tolerate wind, exposure and shade, but only light frosts until mature.
1.3L Pots $7 each
NZ Lobelia
Pratia Angulata
Dainty spreading plant, forming a carpet of tiny green leaves, smothered in a mass of tiny, white flowers in spring to early summer.
Attractive ground cover, in sunny to semi-shaded location, keep moist at all times.
1.3L -1.5L Pot. $10 each
Red Mt Flax
Phormium Cookianum 'Purpurea'
Red/purple foliage, great for colouir contrast in mixed shelter plantings. Hardy. Tolerant of dry, cold and exposure.
1.2m high x 1.5m wide
1.3 L Pot. $7 each
NZ Blue Grass
Festuca Actae
A small tussock from Banks Peninsula with fine silvery-blue foliage. Great for mass planting in dry exposed sites. Hardy.
0.4m tall x 0.5m wide
1.3L Pots $7 each
Aristotelia Serrata
Aristotelia serrata, commonly known as wineberry or makomako, is a small deciduous, fast growing tree. Typically grows 5m tall by 4m wide.
1-1.3L Pot. $7 each
Red Hook Sedge
Uncinia Uncinata
Uncinia Uncinata forms dense mounds of orange-red arching leaves, which are 20-40cm long. The greass can reach up to 50cm in height. Adaptable to full sun,partial shade or full shade. Hardy.
1.3 L Pot. $7 each
Leptinella Dioica
A rapid growing groundcover with green, fern-like foliage. Small white button daisy-like flowers in spring/summer. Grows in sun or part shade. Hardy
1.3L Pots $10 each
Twiggy Coprosma
Coprosma Rhamnoides
Coprosma rhamnoides is a dense shrub. Tiny light green leaves, with outside stiff red/brown branches. Good for exposed, dry areas. Mature Height 2 m
PB18 bags. $45 each
Marlborough Rock Daisy
Pachystegia Insignis
A low growing shrub, particularly good for coastal positions. The attractive white daisies have yellow centres and appear in warmer months. Ideal in full sun, in hot and dry areas. Protect from frosts when young
Max 1m x 1m
1.3 L Pot. $10 each
Carpodetus Serratus
An attractive NZ native tree, producing masses of white flowers during spring. Typically grows to 8m tall and 3m wide in full sun and a well drained site that does not dry out. Once established, tolerant of wind and frost.
PB 18 Bags $28 each
Frosted Curls
Carex Frosted Curls
NZ native, a popular grass with pale-green leaves, distinctly curling at the tips. Great or edge or borders or grouped as a ground cover.
Grows 40cm x 40cm
1.3 L Pot $7each
Carex Comans Red
Grass-like plant with attractive bronze/red foliage know as NZ sedge. It occurs in damp places in tussock grassland, long side bush tracks and on river flats. Its flowers are inconspicuous and appear on short spikes.
50cm x 50cm
1.3 L Pot. $7 each
Hoheria Sexstylosa
A quick growing, native semi-evergreen tree with masses of white star shaped flowers appearing in late summer to early autumn. Suitable for growing as hedges and screens. Hardy, evergreen, grows 5m x 2m
1.5 L Pot $9 each
Knightia Excelsa
Rewarewa, also known as NZ honey suckle, is loved by the birds and the bees for its nectar. Symmetrical conical shape, and can grow up to 30m tall, but typically 15mx3m
1.5 L Pot from $15 each
Libertia Cranwelliae
Strap-like leaves along a wide spreading rhizome. Whte flowers in spring. Approx 1m wide x 40cm high.
PB3 $10 each
Parahebe Snowcaps
Low compact gorwing evergreen perennial producing sprays of small white flowers. Like moist, well drained soil in a sunny position. Approx height 30cm
PB5. $15 each
Shrubby Veronica
Hebe Diosmifolia
A fast growing ever green shrub, noted for its free flowering habit. Grows to around 70cm tall and wide. Makes a great hedge.
Purpley flower which softens to white as ages.
1.5 L Pot $15 each
Hoheria Populnea
Attractive flowring tree with large leaves and scented white flowers. Prefers moist soil. Frost tender when young.
Approx 8m tall 3m wide
1.5 L Pots $7 each
Sophora Microphylla
Attractive fern like foliage, young tree have tangled branches and may take up to 10 years to flower.
Birds, especially Tui, love these.
Max 10m.
PB3 $10 each
Hoeraka / Lancewood
Pseudopanax Crassifolius
Native plant with a distinct juvenile stage, as it matures a trunk forms. Tending to be 5m tall and 3 m wide.
1.5 L Pots $10 each
Myrsine Australis
Also know as matipo, found throughout NZ. Reddish attractive leaves, can be trimmed. Approx 5m tall x 3m wide
1.3 L Pot $7 each
Melicytus Ramiflorus
A small tree, growing up to 5m tall, and quick growing. Moderately hardy.
1.5 L Pot
$7.50 each
Coprosma Kirkii
A fast growing ground cover, that is dense and vigorous. Rounded green leaves forming a thick cover.
1.5 L Pot
$7.50 each